
SCOTLAND - Grayling Society Area 12

There were no grayling in Scotland until they were introduced to the Clyde from Derbyshire in 1855. Subsequent years saw more introductions, and now the following rivers and some of their tributaries hold grayling – Ayr; Clyde; the Tay system including Earn, Isla, & Tummel; Annan; Nith; Tweed and Teviot. In the Forth catchment, the Almond, Esk, Water of Leith, Teith and the Forth itself have seen them introduced in recent years. These are principally salmon rivers, it is de rigueur to give way to salmon anglers, and good practice is essential to help allay salmon interests' lingering suspicions that grayling anglers are poachers. (note, there are no grayling north of the Pitlochry area, but grayling are now to be found in the lower Garry.)

As there is no closed season for grayling in Scotland they can be fished for throughout the year, but the Spring months when they are spawning should be avoided. Though ticket costs are rising at some venues, prices are generally modest and a rod licence is not required. Many clubs and riparian owners apply varying restrictions, particularly in the winter months, so it is best to make enquiries before travelling (typing their name into a search engine like Google can often produce useful information).

Important note - There are Protection Orders on the Clyde, Earn, Tay, Tummel, and Tweed, which make it a criminal offence to fish for them without a ticket. Anglers should also be aware of precautions necessary to prevent the introduction of, and the transfer of signal crayfish and other non-native pests.

River Ayr

The Ayr and tributaries such as the Coyle and the Lugar Water were once prolific grayling streams, but in recent years stocks plummeted due to intensive dairying and open-cast coal mining. Efforts to improve water quality and habitat by the Ayrshire Rivers Trust are helping, and grayling can still be caught in places. The River Irvine too once had grayling but they are now considered to have died out some time ago. See

1) Ayr A.C. No winter fishing, but a £10 day ticket from Gamesport, The Sandygate, Ayr, Tel: 01292 263822, allows trout and grayling fishing from 15th March to 31st October.

2) Ladykirk A.C. may grant access to bona fide grayling anglers. Contact secretary Iain Robertson Tel: 07878 001689.

3) Tarbolton and Failford A.C. Day tickets available 15th March to 31st October through Gamesport of Ayr. Tel: 01292 26382.

4) Mauchline and Ballochmyle A.C Contact Secretary Max Stobbs, Tel: 01290 420301.

5) Auchinleck A.C. Day tickets available from Mitchells Shop, Auchinleck between 15th March and 31st October, but like the main river there are few grayling now in the Lugar Water tributary. Contact Sec. Billy Blackmore, Tel: 07979480690.

6) Catrine A.C. Winter access possible. Contact Mr. W. McKinnon, 44 Gordon St, Catrine, Tel: 07837890663.

7) Sorn A.C. Closed to fishing October to January and on Saturdays. Otherwise, Day ticket from J. McMahon, 25 Main Street, Sorn.

8) Muirkirk A.C. Day ticket between 1st December to 14th March from Joe Timmins, 38 Hareshaw Crescent, Muirkirk, East Ayrshire, KA18 3PY Tel: 01290 661114

River Clyde (Tributaries: River Avon, River Gryffe)

After grayling were introduced to the Clyde in 1855 they prospered, and the river still has a good though fluctuating population. There have been reports of occasional very big fish mainly from the upper river, where there is now a large population of signal crayfish. The lower river, up to impassable falls at Lanark, has an increasingly important salmon run.

1) United Clyde A.P.A. has many miles of main river above Motherwell Bridge plus some tributaries. Season tickets are available for trout at a reasonable cost, with both winter day and season tickets available for grayling. Tickets available widely from tackle shops, tourist offices and from village shops in Abington and Crawford, and from Richies Fishing Tackle, Wishaw, Tel: 01698 375008. See

2) Lamington and District A.I.A. has 9 miles of B.B. from Thankerton to Roberton. Day tickets available for trout and grayling or grayling only available from 7th October to 31st January. Tickets available from Bryden Newsagents, 153 High St., Biggar, Tel: 01899 220069. No Sunday fishing. See:

3) Hozier A.C. issues Day tickets for trout and grayling for about 6 miles of B.B. of river from Easter Sills Farm to Kirkfieldbank Bridge. Tickets available from the garden centre at Hyndford Bridge.

River Avon (Clyde tributary)

1) Avon A.C. has 14 miles of river between Larkhall and Strathaven for members only. No Day tickets but annual membership available at a very reasonable cost to all comers from local shops in Strathaven and Stonehouse, also from Anglers Attic, Caledonian Road, Wishaw, tel: 01698 359757, and Clydestyle Fishing in Crossford, Tel: 01555 861223. See

2) Upper Avon A.A. now issues permits for the upper stretches of the Avon. These are available from local shops in Strathaven, Stonehouse and Larkhall, also from Clydestyle Fishing Crossford 01555 861223 or Anglers’ Rendezvous, Tel: 0141 778 6666. See

River Gryfe (Gryffe) (Clyde tributary)

It is recommended that any GS member wishing to fish for grayling anywhere on the Gryfe should contact Neil Sinclair (see Strathgryfe A.A.) in the first instance.

1) Strathgryfe A.A. has about three-quarters of a mile of grayling fishing LB from Milton Bridge downstream to the March Dyke (approximately mid-way between Milton and Craigends (Quarriers) bridges). Contact President Neil Sinclair (GS member). Tel: 0141 580 6723

2) No day tickets available. Bridge of Weir (River) Angling Club has three miles BB from the March Dyke above Craigends (Quarriers) Bridge downstream to Bridge of Weir village. Contact President John Blair Tel: 07423 019381. 3) Paisley Abercorn AC has about 5 miles BB from Bridge of Weir village to Black Cart confluence. Also White Cart from Hawkhead Road, Paisley upstream to Crookston Road Bridge, Glasgow. Contact Sandy Marshall, Hooked on Fishing, 82 Paisley Road, Renfrew, PA4 8EY. Tel: 0141 589 3783. See also

Rivers Forth and Teith (Tributaries: Almond, Esk, Water of Leith)

Grayling have in recent years 'appeared' in parts of the rivers Forth and Teith, and the lower reaches of the Allan Water at Stirling. They seem well established, but most owners and the salmon board (see are reluctant to allow access for winter angling because of salmon poaching. However, Stirling Council provides a winter season ticket for its beats at Stirling and Callander. Contact Rab Brown on 01324 552849 for more information.

Rivers Forth and Teith

Stirling Council provides a grayling winter season ticket for its beats at Stirling (Forth) and Callander (Teith) via its fisheries officer on 01786 442932 (see: and click F on the ribbon). Contact Rab Brown on 01324 552849 for more information.

River Almond (Forth Tributary)

Grayling were introduced around the 1960s, but pollution prevented them thriving. Water quality has since improved and a few fish have been caught in recent years in the the main river and some tributaries in the Livingston area. Further upstream, the fishing is in the hands of riparian owners who don't issue tickets, but tend not to object to people fishing.

1) West Lothian AA has 7 miles BB from Kirkton Weir in Livingston downstream to Clifton Aqueduct. Day tickets available via tackle shops in Livingston, Bathgate, and Edinburgh. See:

2) Cramond AC issues trout day tickets to the lower Almond (where grayling are said to be absent). See or contact the club via: Calum McRoberts, Vice-Chairman, Cramond Angling Club, 1/4 Turnhouse Farm Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH12 0AT

Lothian Esk (Forth tributary)

Grayling are being caught in reasonable numbers and to a good size on the Lothian Esk in recent seasons. In consequence, Musselburgh & District Angling Association (MDAA) have introduced a limited-number winter grayling permit for the water they lease on the Lothian Esk. The permit has been introduced to manage fishing pressure on grayling on a short stretch of river, while recognising the demand. The permit runs from January 1st to March 15th. They have also imposed a close season for grayling from March 15th to June 15th. Thereafter, grayling can be fished for on the normal MDAA summer season permit, which includes brown trout, sea trout and salmon. All MDAA permits are available from the Ace Bike Co, 101 N High St, Musselburgh EH21 6JE.


Water of Leith (Forth tributary)

Grayling 'appeared' in the river around 1980 and seem to be well established. City of Edinburgh Council issues free permits for trout and grayling through their Recreation Dept, tackle shops, and POs at Colinton, Juniper Green, Currie, and Balerno. Fly only above Slateford, but grayling occur mainly downstream from here and are caught within the city. No fishing October to March inclusive. See

River Annan

Holds salmon, sea trout, some big wild brown trout and grayling, chub and other coarse fish. For more information see .html

1) Tickets can be pre-booked online for the following beats: Annandale Estates, Applegarth, Brocklerigg, Cleuchhead, Hoddom, Jardine Hall, Kirkwood, Royal Four Towns and St. Mungo's. Otherwise, by phoning 01573 470612 or 01576 407600 and using a credit or debit card, the fishing can be booked and tickets sent by post. For more information, pricing and availability see Tickets for Annandale Estates and for Applegarth can also be sourced by phoning 01576 470317 or A Dickson on 01683 300592 respectively Applegarth is one of Upper Annandale AA's beats, see

2) Everholm Park Beat - C&R tickets are available locally from the council office in Annan High Street.

3) Kirkwood Beat has quality grayling and chub. Contact owner A. Steele, Kirkwood, Lockerbie, Tel: 01576 510200, who advertises winter fishing breaks. See

River Kinnel (Annan tributary)

Day tickets for approx a mile LB available from farmer at Todhillmuir Farm, Templand.

River Nith

A fine salmon and sea trout river with brown trout and excellent grayling fishing. See

1) New Cumnock AA offers a cheap 12 month S/t, and will consider a grayling Day tickets on application for their water at the top of the Nith. Contact Peter Bain on 01290 338480.

2) Upper Nithsdale AC has 14 miles BB plus tribs. Salmon day tickets 15th March to 30th November from Pollock& McLean, Solicitors, 59-61 High St., Sanquhar, DG4 6 DT Tel: 01659 50241. Winter grayling in January and February only. No Sunday fishing.

3) Dumfries & Galloway Council issues day tickets for salmon and for trout for 4 miles BB through its Housing Dept at 81-85 Irish St., Dumfries, Tel: 01387 253166, and the tourist office, allowing grayling to be targeted, but no winter fishing from 1st December to 25th February.

4) Barjarg Estate and Dalswinton Estate both offer good grayling fishing from 1st December to 31st March. Contact ghillie Dougie Smith, Brandyburn Farm, Auldgirth, DG2 0XG Tel: 07738015793. 5) Dumfries & Galloway AA control 3.5 miles of river holding specimen grayling. Day tickets available to GS members at very reasonable cost, from 1st December to 24th February. Fly only and no wading. Tickets to be prebooked from tackle shop: D. McMillan, 6 Friars Vennel, Dumfries, DG1 2LA, Tel: 01387 252075. President: R. Marshall Tel: 01387 261217. 6) Friars Carse Hotel, Auldgirth, Tel: 01387 740388 offers grayling fishing 1st December to end February, and has self catering cottages. See

River Cairn (Nith tributary)

Dumfries & Galloway Council (see above) has 2.5 miles of water.

River Tay (Tributaries: Rivers Earn, Isla. Lyon, Tummel)

A mighty river, the Tay can be intimidating. It has many grayling in places, especially in the middle reaches, though they are not always easy to find. They can be fished for at any time of the year, but April to May should be avoided when they are spawning. Beat rules tend to vary, bait fishing is generally not allowed in the trout season, and you must give way to salmon anglers. See for more information for the Tay mainstem.

1) Taymouth A.C. has 2 miles R.B. from Kenmore to R. Lyon. Day tickets from Taymouth Castle Estates or Kenmore P.O. Tel: 01887 830200 (Trout season only).

2) Upper Tay (from R.Lyon to Logierait ) - Day ticket from Wades newsagents in Aberfeldy, Tel 01887 820397, covers several beats on this 10 mile stretch, from 7th Oct to 14th March. In trout season Aberfeldy AC and other owners sell Day tickets for individual beats. Contact R M Stewart, 18 Rannoch Rd, Aberfeldy, PH15 2BU, Tel: 01887 829512.

3) Dunkeld & Birnam A.A. issues Day ticket for 5 miles RB; Day tickets from Dunkeld Post Office. Fly only during trout season. The club also issues fly only trout/grayling Day tickets for several miles downstream from Dunkeld where winter fishing is not allowed. See:

4) Newtyle Beat 1 Km DB with LB better of the two. See: ticketay/Newtyle(Trou t)/?dom=Tay

5) Murthly Beat Day ticket from Nisa store, Perth Road, Murthly. Tel: 01738 710061.

6) Ballathie House Hotel and Ballathie Estate has 1 mile RB mainly salmon fishing. Tel. 01250 883268. ing.html

7) Perth and District A.A. issues day tickets for 7 beats between Logierait and Stobhall, via Birnam Village Shop (Tel: 01350 727395; 3, Murthly Terrace, Birnam, Dunkeld PH8 0BG) Open 6.30am-9.00pm Mon-Sat, 6.30am-8pm Sun. Or by phoning the PDAA President Ted Eadie, 13 Queens Avenue, Perth, PH2 0EL Tel: 01738 620702 Mob: 07949 971461. Website:

8) Stanley and District A.C. issue day tickets for six beats, each up to 3 miles, from Meikleour D/s to Luncarty, mainly R.B. Day tickets available from Stanley P.O. Tel: 01738 828206 or Tayside Hotel on Sundays 01738 828249. Bait fishing allowed in the winter, but only fly, or worm on fly tackle in the trout season. Stanley Mills stretch is popular.

9) Stormont A.C. has 3 miles LB between Stormontfield and Scone. Applications for tickets to Scone Estate Office Tel: 01738 552308. Pre-booking essential. Trotting considered on request. Wading discouraged because of salmon redds.

River Earn (Major Tay tributary)

Historically (ie BC – before cormorants) one of Scotland's best grayling rivers. Winter fishing season dates vary, but November to 15th January on many beats. Ask before travelling.

1) Comrie A.C. Day tickets for 1st February to 30th September only, from The Delicatessen, Drummond St, Comrie. Tel: 01764 670253.

2) Lochlane & Laggan. 2 miles mainly RB. Day ticket from Crieff Tourist Office Tel: 01764 652578, or fishery manager John Young, Tel: 01764 670361. No wading.

3) Crieff A.C. Day ticketss for Upper Strowan, Braidhaugh, & Drummond Castle beats from Adam Boyd, Newsagent, King St, Crieff, Tel: 01764 653871, Braidhaugh caravan park, and the tourist office, High St, Crieff, Tel: 01764 652578. Fly only in summer. Winter grayling fishing restricted to Drummond beat from 15 November to 15 January, when trotting is allowed but wading is NOT permitted. Popular stretch. See

4) Strageath (1/2 mile RB) Beat. Day ticket from F. Thomson, Ironmonger, 9 East High St, Crieff. Tel: 01764 652255. Limited number of rods, prior arrangement essential.

5) Innerpeffray and Colqhalzie Beats. Limited access. Apply in writing saying you are a GS member to CD Lowson, 11 St. Bean Court, Auchterarder, PH3 1QP

6) Kinkell Bridge. Day ticket for 2 miles BB, 15th November to 15th January, from ghillie Sandy McIntosh Tel: 01738 730271. Heavily fished, but prolific beat. Phone in advance. Summer Day ticket sometimes available. No sweetcorn or ground baiting. See

7) Auchterarder A.C. (Denfield Beat). ½ mile RB, Day ticket from Auchterarder Motors Tel: 01764 662136. Can be good.

8) Upper Aberuthven. ¾ mile RB. Day ticket from E Haggart, Baillielands Farm. Tel: 01764 662609 for availability.

9) Lower Aberuthven. ¾ mile RB. Day ticket from J Haggart, Haugh of Aberuthven farm, Tel: 01738 730206.

10) Trinity Gask. 3 miles LB. Day ticket from the Kinkell ghillie. Prior booking essential. See

11) Gask Estate. 1 mile LB. Day tciket from John McCallum's (GS member) butchers shop, at 201 High Street, Auchterarder Tel: 01764 662128.

12) Dunning A.C. 1.5 miles RB at Dalreoch Bridge. Day ticket 1st November to 31st January from Marshall Garden Centre. Tel: 01764 684600, or contact G Carstairs, 4 Tron Square, Dunning, Tel: 01764 684510.

13) Broomhill. ½ mile RB. Winter grayling day ticket from V G Store Dunning, Tel: 01764 684247 or from GS Drummond, Tel: 07785 594098.

14) Dupplin Estates. Contact Estates Office Tel: 01738 622757. Winter day tickets and season tickets (15th November to 15th January). Also Day ticket in trout season for each of two stretches, Wester Cairnie, (1.5 miles LB), and Forteviot/ Aberdalgie, (3 miles RB and 2 miles LB).

15) Kirkton of Mailer. ¾ mile LB. Day ticket from Mr. McGregor Tel: 01738 812210.

16) Freelands. Tel: F. Angus on 01738 812268. Tidal and can be difficult.

River Isla (Tay tributary)

Strathmore Angling Improvement Association has extensive fishing on the Isla, and its tributaries Dean Water and Kerbet Water. No day tickets, but a cheap annual ticket which serves for both trout and grayling is available from tackle shops in Dundee, Forfar, and Blairgowrie. Contact Sec: G McIntosh 4 Douglas Terrace, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 1EA, Tel: 01382 737938.

River Ericht (Isla tributary)


Winter fishing below Blairgowrie is available to GS members through Kate Fleming Tackle in Blairgowrie. Tel: 01250 873990. Blairgowrie, Rattray and District AA also issues some tickets. See River Lyon (Tay tributary) Good trout, with a few grayling in the lower reaches. Tirinie Beat, 1 mile LB from Keltneyburn to River Tay. Day ticket from Highland Safaris. Tel: 01887 820071.

River Tummel (Major Tay tributary)

Another big river with the lower reaches (where the grayling live) controlled by the dam that impounds Loch Faskally. It contains some bruisers.

Pitlochry A.C issues day tickets, weekly tickets or whole year tickets for 5 miles BB from Pitlochry to Ballinluig, either directly from the club’s website (see below), or over the counter at Pitlochry Tourist Information Centre and Ballinluig service station. See and permits can be bought online through the website.

River Tweed (Tributaries: River Eden, River Teviot, River Till)

A renowned salmon river with some excellent grayling fishing that is becoming more available as appreciation of 'The Lady' grows. Sunday fishing is, however, largely barred, and most beats have restrictions on bait fishing, so check before you fish. For information on most club waters see ticketweeday ticketroutClubs.asp?dom=Tweed

1) Coldstream & District A.A. has some good Tweed fishing. Day tickets from Moffats Newsagent, Coldstream, Tel: 01890 882235 and the PO in Cornhill on Tweed. Contact M. Young, Green Acres, Sprouston, Kelso, Tel: 01573 226411. See

2) Kelso & District A.A. has 8 miles on Tweed and Teviot. Day tickets from local outlets including Forrest & Sons, 40 The Square, Tel: 01573 2246878, and Tweedside Tackle, 36/38 Bridge St. Tel: 01573 225306. Tel: also 01835 850380.

3) Ladykirk & Norham A.A. has 2 miles BB from Norham Bridge to Horndean Burn. Day tickets from Victoria Hotel Tel. 01289 382437, Mace Shop, Masons Arms Hotel and others. Contact J Cameron on 01289 382481.

4) Melrose & District A.A. has 2 miles on Tweed. Season from 1st August to 1st March. Day tickets from Croall Bryson Garage, Melrose, Tel: 01896 822400. Contact T. McLeish, Planetree Cottage, Newstead, Melrose, Tel: 01896 822232.

5) Peeblesshire Trout Fishing Association has over twenty miles of Tweed, though some stretches are closed in the winter grayling season (1st January to 31st March). Fly only, no bait fishing. Day tickets and season tickets (1st January to 30th September) available from outlets in Peebles and villages in the area, and tackle shops in Edinburgh. Contact Sec. P Reith, St. Fillans, Wells Brae, Innerleithen, Tel: 01896 830285.

6) St Boswells & Newtown Districts A.A. provide Day tickets for the periods 1st December to 31st January and 15th June to 30th September via Borders Gun Room, Main St., St Boswells, Tel: 01835 822844 and other outlets. Contact W Rodger, Brunty Burn, Ancrum, TD8 6TZ. Tel: 01835 830714. See for more information.

7) Gala A.A. opened its water on Tweed for winter grayling, December and January, in 2008. See fishpal website (above). Contact Sec. S Gzybowski on 07753 624664.

Leader (Tweed tributary)

1) Earlston A.A. has the lower five miles BB of this productive small river. Season from 1st Jan to 30 Sept. Tickets from the Earlston service station, but no Day tickets on Saturdays. Contact J Maclennan Tel: 01896 849162. See

River Teviot Tweed tributary)

Within recent years the Teviot has gained a huge reputation for its big grayling.

1) Kelso A.A. has several miles around Roxburgh. Details under River Tweed above.

2) Hawick A.A. has much good fishing on Tweed and several of its tribs. Day tickets from the PO, Sandbed, Hawick, TD9 0HE, and Shaws Newsagent, Canongate, Jedburgh, TD8 6AJ, Tel: 01835 863245. Contact Sec. R, 6 Sandbed, Hawick, Tel: 01450 372266.

3) Jedforest A.A. has several miles of water. Winter grayling season from 1st November to 21st March. Day tickets from Shaws Newsagent, Canongate, and Taylor's Newsagent, High St. Jedburgh, Mikes Tackle Shop in Edinburgh, and they can also be booked online via the fishpal website. See also

River Till (Tweed tributary)


1) Millfield, (Northumberland). Several beats available for the visiting angler around Ford. Permits from both Millfield and Ford POs, and Ford & Ethal estates office, Tel: 01890 820224. No Sunday fishing.

2) Castle Heaton and Shellacres. Although this is mainly a migratory fish water permits to fish for grayling are available from Edwin Thompson, 44/48 Hide Hill, Berwick, Tel: 01289 304432 or 01896 751300 (office). Also from 5 Shellacres Cottages, Cornhill on Tweed, Tel: 01289 382608. Please be aware that we have been told that permission to fish Shellacres beat has been withdrawn.

3) Tiptoe Farm has Day tickets for 1 mile of water and has self catering cottages. Tel: Lucy Carroll on 01890 882177, or see




National Bodies


Marine Scotland Aquaculture and Recreational Fisheries Area 1 B North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ Tel: 0131 244 4000 -Trout-Coarse

Fisheries Management Scotland (FMS) 11 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS Tel: 0131 272 2797

Scottish Anglers’ National Association The Pier, Loch Leven, Kinross KY13 8UF Tel: 01577 861116


Scottish Environment Protection Agency Website includes a useful river levels facility.

Scottish Federation for Coarse Angling

Tourist Information

Visit Scotland HQ, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH Tel: 0131 472 2222

Local visitor information centre details can be found at sells an increasing number of grayling tickets and gives very useful displays of SEPA height information that complement those on SEPA’s own website very well – they are corrected so that they directly display heights above summer level, and daily heights for the full calendar year are displayed. Only certain of the rivers are on fishpal.

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