The last weekend of February I was able to represent the Grayling Society at the South West Fly Fair. This annual get together at Roadford Lake in Devon and organised by the South West Lakes Trust is always a well-attended day with many organisations and trade stands in attendance. This year in my new role of Area 1 Secretary I wanted to promote the Society and our Lady of the Stream so in conjunction with Launceston Angling Association, of which I am also Vice Chairman this year, we booked our stand.
The morning of the show was greeted with, what seems to have become the norm, heavy rain. Crossing the Tamar at Launceston the river had completely burst its banks and flooded the surrounding fields. Not boding well for the start of the trout season in a couple of weeks!
I think we had every season in one day for the show when snow showers became storm force winds and then lovely sunshine. Thank you Storm Jorge.
Luckily we were inside but I did feel for those poor souls trying to take casting demonstrations. The day went very well with plenty of interest in what we do as a society and I hope that those who expressed an interest in joining will have by now. I spoke with some of our existing members and it was good to put faces to names.
I was ably assisted on the day by fellow Society member and Launceston President, Rod Dibble, who was busy handing out application forms for the Association but really wanted to just show off his newly purchased Trotting Centre Pin.
To while away the hours and to give some interest I tied some Czech nymphs and a few bugs using different varieties of Chadwicks or Spindrift substitutes. Much discussion about their differing qualities ensued.
The photo was taken at the end of the day after the crowds had subsided and a weary Rod Dibble offered to pose for the picture.